
Women's Day 2015 poetry collection | women's day 2015

Hello friends this post is dedicate to Women’s Day event, in this blog we are sharing with you best sms, greetings and quotes for Women’s Day you will find separate sms, greetings and quotes for Women’s Days event.

Women's Day 2015 poetry collection | women's day 2015

Women's Day 2015 poetry collection

Today ask your self, every women, 
Am I a good mother, treating my son and daughter equally, 
Am I a good daughter, doing my duties not only asking for my rights
Am I a good wife, taking respect from husband and giving him respect
Am I a good daughter in Law, My Parent- in-law's are happy with me
Am I a good Mother-in-law, My daughter-in law feels warm and homely with me
Am I a good boss to my staff, Do I feel I can boss over them just because I have the power and the Women Rights with me.
Am I a good Women, treating all women with respect and not Jealous, Backbiting, Spreading rumors
Each Women Play your role well, demand Respect, Give Respect, Never Bow to any torture, never enslave anyone

She’s a woman

Women's Day 2015 poetry collection | women's day 2015
She was just “by the way”
Between “either way” and “anyway”
She didn’t know which WAY to follow
In fact She had no “otherwise” nor “furthermore “
But She Fathers more motherless children
She’s a chicken,
Yes, not because she’s weak,
But because She knows how to protect her chick
From the talons of the cruel hawk,
She’s a chicken,
Coz she knows how to provide even though She’s broke
She’s a chicken,
Coz She knows how to cease fire and leave no smoke,
Now She places her palm on her heart,
And auush!! She breathes in so deep

She’s a woman

Women's Day 2015 poetry collection | women's day 2015

It’s the day to celebrate
It’s the day to think
For all that the world have done
To the charming colour pink

They blocked off her way
They chased her that day
They stormed all her life
Her blurred eyes did say

An unarmed woman
With self arrested courage
They pulled down her confidence
With their harsh and sharp image

They found her so helpless
They made her to cry
They turned her life to hell
And forced her to die

But let me say a word
A word full of hope
She made her way out
And learned how to cope

A woman, a mother, a wife
With patience she strives
Caring,bearing and working
Still struggling with life…


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